Simon Fell > Its just code Here's blogping.root a little Radio tool that pings when you update your weblog.
Stylin' Brad has a new layout, looks great!. This inspired me to start work on a new look for this weblog (I've been wanting to do this for a while now), anyway, first things first, I want to change how the day permalinks are rendered, anyone know is there an archiveUrl macro ?
PocketSOAP v1.4.2 released, just a couple of bug fixes.
PocketSOAP Found a bug relating to deeply nested id/href not being handled correctly during de-serialization, I'm testing out the fix over the weekend, expect a new (v1.4.2) release soon.
Apache interop server Hey Sam, are the Apache SOAP & Axis interop endpoints ever coming back ??
SF Indiefest Saw the Fuel for the Quirky Alone set of shorts last night, recommended if you get the chance to see it. Needle in a Haystack was my favorite, whilst Human which looked great, was the most predictable.
new blogs cool, Christian Weyer and Shawn Van Ness get blogs.
RSS Greg has some thoughts on GUIDs in RSS. I never really did get why this was needed, but I always assumed that was just because I hadn't thought about it enough. Seems to me that the aggregator should skip any GUIDs its already seen, but weblogging software should give the user the ability to give an existing post a new GUID for the situation where siginificant (as defined by the user) changes to an existing post are made.
Dinner Anyone want to meet up for a ".NET Blogger Dinner" on Saturday, February 8th in San Francisco? Richard Caetano is first on the list. How about we meet in the lobby of the San Francisco Marriott at 6 p.m.? [The Scobleizer Weblog] Sounds good to me