Simon Fell > Its just code
Its good to see that Peter is back from his hiatus, I look forward to seeing what grungy internals goo he's dug up.
If you're good, don't worry: 12 Reasons
Cool, Joel says I don't have to worry! I particularly liked Look, I'll never be an artist and my artist friends will never develop software. I'm jealous of them; they're jealous of me. But we are who we are. doh! turns out Bill Carlson wrote it not Joel, hey, I'm not the only one who made that mistake.
Kelley pointed out that I'd missed blogging about the Paramount Theatre, a great 1930's art deco theatre over in Oakland, they ran movie classics over the summer, complete with old newsreals, cartoon, the wurlitzer, and dec-o-win. We saw Jaws & Dr Strangelove and had a blast, highly recommended.
RSS 2.0 discussions flare up. [The Furrygoat Experience] The whole thing is just ridiculous, who gives a flying f**k anyway, its not like RSS 2.0 can actually do anything you can't do with RSS 1.0 right now.