Simon Fell > Its just code : Sunday, July 14, 2002

Simon Fell > Its just code

Sunday, July 14, 2002

Simon Fell: "No doubt the first of many dumb questions about OS X". I don't think it's a dumb question ("how to implement web service in AppleScript") ;). This list of SOAP toolkits says that AppleScript is a 'client only' implementation and I believe that's correct (let me know if you find otherwise). You can use SOAP::Lite (or some other toolkit) to run as a server and plans to publish Randal Schwartz's article 'Connecting AppleScript and Perl with SOAP' that describes how to do that (sorry, no live link yet). [toolbox] Doh!, thanks Paul, I should of looked there first. As OS X gets Apache httpd out of the box, I'll probably use a toolkit that can plug straight into that, first thoughts are SOAP::Lite or gSOAP. Next step is to work out how to run a chunk of AppleScript from Perl or C++.
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