Simon Fell > Its just code
Now, I'm using Peter Drayton's RSS 0.91 XML schema which abides the Userland mandated five hundred character max. However, Radio itself does not seem to abide by this rule when emitting the description element. ..... [Drew's Blog] Radio generates RSS 0.92 not 0.91, here's the spec
Here is an update on my friend and boss Dave Winer. He is in the hospital and will remain there until next weekend. [John Robb] No aliens then this time, hope you have a speedy recovery Dave.
Sam, its working now, right ?
Clear [remove all watches] and Import [import watch list from a mySubscriptions.opml file] both up and running.
Drew has some good suggestions for the BlogToaster, expect to seem them implemented soon.
I think aliens must of kidnapped Dave, no scripting news since Friday.