Simon Fell > Its just code
DiveIntoMark has a nearly apples to apples comparison (modulo a gratuitous reordering and omission of parameters) between SOAP and XML-RPC, but omits any line by line comparison. Still waiting for the light bulb to go off. [Sam Ruby] Call me biased, but the XML-RPC version doesn't look any less complex than the SOAP version, if anything, the SOAP version looks less complex.
... but the Cape Clear experiment he disses is interesting, even if it irritates him. (What about all the email addresses they're accumulating, that worries me.) [Scripting News] That's pretty ironic since MTTF is busy accumulating email adrresses, and worse, the GoogleGatweway is busy accumulating Google keys. (Not that I think Dave or the CapeClear guys have any bad intentions)