Simon Fell > Its just code
Michael Fraase says RCS is a "a swing and a miss." [Scripting News]
I hate it when that happens. I spent the best part of a day trying to get WinInet on PocketPC to do SSL via an authenticated proxy with no success (I got all the other combinations working, but not that one), I figured that would be quicker than adding SSL over Proxy support to the existing PocketSOAP HTTP code. I finally ditch WinInet and start looking at the PocketSOAP code, and I got both the Win32 and PocketPC versions done in less than 2 hours !
I wonder if Dave is expecting any competition in the RCS space ? RCS seems to be layered on top of XmlStorageSystem so I'd expect that you could plug different backend implementations in, without affecting the clients. The Blogger API seems to have become the defacto standard interface for blogging tools, can we expect something similar for RCS tools ?
Rotor: Shared Source CLI [Slashdot] I keep hearing MS guys say they like the BSD license, so why don't they release Rotor under the BSD license ?
Tools that will prove useful/important for .NET programmers in the nearish future: build, windbg/ntsd, and grep. To that end, here are some articles you might want to read: January 1999 BugSlayer in MSJ, December 1999 BugSlayer in MSJ, January 2000 BugSlayer in MSJ, and OSR's online DDK docs. [Peter Drayton's Radio Weblog] I was expecting Emacs to be on the list !
A summary of what you need to know about running SSL on PocketPC. I find it pretty ironic that by default, certificates generated with the W2K Certificate Services are no good for PocketPC clients.