Simon Fell > Its just code
I notice that the Radio Status Center, now has a cloud status, with a "75% of 10.0MB is free". Could come in handy, but I'm upstreaming to my own space, not the standard Radio cloud, so its not actually right. Perhaps it should get turned off if you change the upstreaming options ?
Steve Waring posted some revised interop results for Spray, it looks like the 2.0 of 4s4c is getting close, 22 out of 23 for the base round of tests :)
Success with SOAP::Lite as well.
Some progress, the 150Mb test now runs to completion, although its still a memory hog. Success with Axis and partial success with Apache SOAP 2.2 which appears to change the content transfer encoding based on the content, and for some reason drops to base64 at times. I'll need to pipe the base64 decoder into there as well.
The transient memory load for the attachments is pretty evil, the HTTP code is going to need a serious going over, I'll proably end up having to move to HTTP/1.1 so that I can do expect 100 to get the request started properly [including any authentication stuff etc], and then start streaming the request. That way it won't need to buffer copies of it for re-sends. Then it needs to expose the response as a stream as well, so that the attachments can be written straight to disk if needed. Lots to do !
Well, i can bounce a 15Mb test file around ok, few issues though with the 150Mb test.
Making progress on the SwA support, its now parsing the response back from Axis.