Simon Fell > Its just code > Reading
Sunday, May 25, 2003
I read a lot of technical books, here are a few of my recent reads that I liked. (in no particular order)
- Programming the Microsoft Windows Driver Model (Walter Oney)
- Windows Forms Programming in C# (Chris Sells)
- Beyond Fear (Bruce Schneier)
- Loosely Coupled (Doug Kay)
- Essential ASP.NET (Fritz Onion)
- Essential .NET volume 1 (Don Box)
- .NET Web Services: Architecture and Implementation with .NET (Keith Ballinger)
- More Exceptional C++ (Herb Sutter)
- Advanced .NET Remoting (Ingo Rammer)
- Definitive XML Schema (Priscilla Walmsley)
- Effective STL (Scott Meyers)
- Transactional COM+ (Tim Ewald)
- C# Essentials (Peter Drayton & co)
- Essential IDL (Martin Gudgen)
- ASP Internals (John Flanders)
- Secrets & Lies (Bruce Schneier)
- Planning Extreme Programming (Kent Beck, Martin Fowler)
- Network Security Private communication in a public world (Charlie Kaufman, Radia Perlman & Mike Speciner)
- The Pragmatic Progammer (Andrew Hunt & David Thomas), I liked this so much, i brought copies for everyone on my team.
- Programming Windows Security (Keith Brown)
- Essential XML (Don Box, Aaron Skonnard & John Lam)
- Exceptional C++ (Herb Sutter)
- Debugging Applications (John Robbins)
- Windows Forms Programming in C#
- Mac OSX for Unix Geeks
- Applied .NET Framework Programming (Jeffrey Richter)