Simon Fell > Its just code > Manual Pour over Brewer

Saturday, June 3, 2006

Regardless of how you brew coffee, one of the important factors is making sure the water is the right temperature, for your regular auto drip coffee maker this is really its only task. Its a pity that so many of them suck so badly at the one thing they need to do right. My $3 melitta manual pour over will smoke your auto drip machine everytime (unless you have the king of auto drip machines, a Technivorm). Here it is lined up for action with some of Counter Culture's Papua New Guinea.
Turn the kettle on, as its nearing the boil, go ahead and grind the coffee. (Yes, I'm using the Mazzer Mini E for this, which is insane overkill, something like a Solis Maestro or Capresso Infinity will work just as well. Remember the coffee geek mantra, don't skimp on the grinder, its just as important as everything else)
As soon as the kettle has boiled go ahead and pour just enough to wet the grinds, and let the coffee bloom.
Once its bloomed (i don't like to wait longer than about 10 seconds, otherwise the water will be too cold), go ahead and pour in more water, keep an eye on the amount of coffee that's in the cup.
There you go, a couple of minutes tops, start to finish, for one of the best cups of drip coffee you've ever had. Uber coffee geek Mark Prince has a really good more detailed write up, How to use a pour over brewer