Simon Fell > Its just code > AtomME

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Russ has a demo app of making an AtomAPI post from a J2ME phone. I got it installed and running on my Nokia 3650 without any trouble, and managed to capture the request it sends.

POST /atom HTTP/1.0
content-type: */*
user-agent: AtomME
X-WSSE: UsernameToken Username="Sfell", PasswordDigest="xCU+TMHlemjeNRlm8AXOaG3rXc4=", Created="2004-07-27T21:57:14Z", Nonce="1221470753"
Content-Length: 131
accept: */*, text/x-vcard, text/x-vcalendar, image/vnd.wap.wbmp, image/gif
Via: WTP/1.1 proatlwap04 (Nokia WAP Gateway 4.0/ECD10/4.0.64), HTTP/1.1 proatledmpxy01[0540000C] (Traffic-Server/5.1.3-55590 [uScM])
X-Network-info: GPRS,unsecured
X-Nokia-gateway-id: NWG/4.0/Build64
hname1: hvalue1
hname3: hvalue3
Connection: keep-alive

<?xml version="1.0"?><entry xmlns=""><title>Testing AtomME</title><content>Testing 1,2,3!</content></entry>

I didn't see a chunked POST that Russ mentions (which is good, HTTP 1.0 doesn't do chunking), but on the subject of doing chunked POSTs, last time I looked at this, support for it on the server side seemed really thin on the ground, this was a while back, don't know if things are better now, but this might be an issue. The content-type doesn't look right, but that should be easy to fix, right ?

Anyway this is cool stuff, I brought the 3650 with the intent of doing some programming stuff on it, but have never gotten around to it, hopefully this'll spur me on to get around to looking at it.