Simon Fell > Its just code

Simon Fell

Tuesday, December 31, 2002

pingback I manually managed to pingback an entry on Sams blog, is there a pingback client for Radio, I couldn't spot one. I think all the hooks are there to add one myself, I might have a go. Hmmmm, thought about for another minute or so, when I send the pingback, the pingback server is going to check the URL I give it for a link, so I can't pingback until Radio has finished upstreaming to the server. I wonder if there are post upstreaming callbacks ? update: there are.
< 4:54:14 PM  # more elsewhere > 777 (System 7) - Over And Out (Groove Salad: a nicely chilled plate of ambient beats and grooves. [SomaFM])

Test Endpoints for the Axis Jabber Transport

Ok, the Interop Echo test services should be up and running ... [snellspace] Hmmmm, no luck so far, I send this

<iq type='set' to='' id='{AFA70458-1B8F-4616-A011-F5A47D98A4B0}' from=''>
<S:Body><a:echoString><inputString XI:type="XS:string">pocketSOAP</inputString>

but get it bounced back with a <error code='405'>Not Allowed</error> message. Oh well, job for next year!

< 4:04:35 PM  # more elsewhere > 09. 6 - 8 War (Groove Salad: a nicely chilled plate of ambient beats and grooves. [SomaFM])

OSX Coder blogs So, where do the OSX coder's hang out ?, I only know of Brent's blog. I haven't been able to find anywhere good to ask Mac programming questions yet (and I have lots!)
< 12:19:50 PM  # more elsewhere > Deadbeats - Got It Goin On (Aim Remix) (Groove Salad: a nicely chilled plate of ambient beats and grooves. [SomaFM])

Monday, December 30, 2002

Experimental Jabber Transport for Apache Axis 1.0 James has this up and running. One comment is the unnecessary element gave a place to transport around a SOAPAction, useful if you're planning to bridge to/from HTTP. I have both PocketSOAP and .NET remoting code floating around that I could get up and running with the tweak pretty easily, James, do you have a test service i can hit ?
< 7:43:26 PM  # more elsewhere > Amon Tobin - Hey Blondie (from Out From Out Where)

hunt Brad has pictures of his CD storage solution, neat, but not very renter friendly!, the hunt remains on [as does the hunt for a 22"x44" poster frame]
< 7:37:53 PM  # more elsewhere > Amon Tobin, MC Decimal R. - Verbal (from Out From Out Where)

the 1-2 song Is this thing on?. Testing 1, 2, 3... [Peter Drayton's Radio Weblog] it certainly looks that way!
< 7:34:38 PM  # more elsewhere > Various - Ambient Systems- Lim - Taylor Deupree (Groove Salad: a nicely chilled plate of ambient beats and grooves. [SomaFM])

Cold blert!, this cold is killin' me!, how are you suposed to code with a jack hammer going in the back of your head????
< 5:39:05 PM  # more elsewhere > Count Basic - Speechless (Slomo) (Groove Salad: a nicely chilled plate of ambient beats and grooves. [SomaFM])

Sunday, December 29, 2002

SOAP Do Groove Web Services really need a local web server? Wouldn�t it be better to do SOAP over standard input and standard output when you just need to integrate on a single machine? [matt.griffith] Well, I've yet to see a SOAP toolkit that doesn't ship with a HTTP transport, whilst SOAP::Lite it the only one i know that ships with stdin/out support. In addition certain platforms (*cough*cough*, are overly tied to HTTP.
< 11:15:01 PM  # more elsewhere >

storage My CD collection has massively overrun the shelves it currently lives on, so I've been looking at CD racks, the AV Mechanica ones look great, but ouch, are expensive, the boltz ones look more reasonably priced, anyone got any recommendations ?
< 5:22:24 PM  # more elsewhere > Cleric - Heights Of Abr (Groove Salad: a nicely chilled plate of ambient beats and grooves. [SomaFM])

Million dollar markup Google applies their algorithms to millions of web pages for a single purpose: keyword search. I want to be able to reuse my own content in millions of ways, including things nobody has thought of yet. They need million-dollar code; I need million-dollar markup. (810 words) [dive into mark] Good stuff (as usual) from Mark, I particularly liked IE 5: the Netscape 4 of a new generation.
< 3:09:14 PM  # more elsewhere >

chunky The fix for the chunked transfer problem i ran into last night, is now checked in to CVS.
< 12:26:28 PM  # more elsewhere > Moss - Snaps And Shakey (Groove Salad: a nicely chilled plate of ambient beats and grooves. [SomaFM])

portability ..... Personally, I'm interested in seeing how Mac OS X handles the binary portability problem that seems to be endemic to C/C++ in the *nix world as it continues to evolve. [ John Lam's Weblog on Software Development] I've built Carbon based executables on OSX 10.2 that run on MacOS 9.0.4 and up.
< 12:09:39 PM  # more elsewhere > Moss - Snaps And Shakey (Groove Salad: a nicely chilled plate of ambient beats and grooves. [SomaFM])

/fixImports Christian Weyer emailed me because the WSDL Wizard chokes on the Google API WSDL. This is actually because there's a problem with the WSDL, its missing an xsd:import that imports the SOAP encoding namespace, as this is a fairly common issue, you can work around it with the command line version of the tool by using the /fixImports options, i.e. run
wsdl-cl /fixImports

< 12:00:24 PM  # more elsewhere > Starseeds - Parallel Life (Groove Salad: a nicely chilled plate of ambient beats and grooves. [SomaFM])

Saturday, December 28, 2002

Rss Validator

I patched my copy of PocketSOAP to workout the chunked problem below, so I could finish the sample. I ran the WSDL through the RC1 tool [a local copy of the WSDL with a couple of fixes in], then added the DOMElement serializer class, which is just a class with

Implements ISoapSerializer
Private Sub ISoapSerializer_Serialize(Val As Variant, _
                                      ByVal ctx As PocketSOAP.ISerializerContext, _
                                      ByVal dest As PocketSOAP.ISerializerOutput)
    Dim n As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement
    Set n = Val 
    dest.WriteTextNoEncoding n.xml
End Sub
Tweaked the generated configuration code by removing the code it generated for the request class, and added a line to register the new serializer
m_sf.Serializer "{2933BF86-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}", "", "", "Rss.s_DOMElement"
and finally tweaked the generated method stub, so that it was a bit smarter, you can pass a DOM, or a fileName/URL and it'll load it for you. That wraps up the proxy object. The calling app is then straightfoward enough
Private Sub Command1_Click()
    Dim v As New Rss.Validator
    Dim vr As Rss.Response
    Set vr = v.Validate(tFile.Text)
    Dim i As Long
    On Error GoTo emptyArray
    For i = LBound(vr.Message) To UBound(vr.Message)
        printMsg vr.Message()(i), i
    Exit Sub
        List1.AddItem "No Errors !"
End Sub
When the chunked encoding issue is resolved one way or the other, I'll post all the code to the samples site.
< 10:00:18 PM  # more elsewhere > Greg Long - Temporary (Groove Salad: a nicely chilled plate of ambient beats and grooves. [SomaFM])

Chunked encoding Almost have the RSS Validator sample done, I'm generating a valid request (the required DOM Serializer class weights in at 3 lines of VB), but the response uses chunked encoding which shouldn't be a problem, PocketSOAP can handle that, but the server doesn't appear to be following the HTTP spec, in particular i get
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Type: text/xml
<?xml version ....
What you can't see is that the chunk length (dd in this case) is followed by a space character before the CRLF bytes. (the hex viewer in YATT is a wonderful thing!). Looking at the spec for chunked encoding and the relevant BNF, I see nothing that says that white space is valid in that position. Did I miss something, or is this broken ?
< 8:31:33 PM  # more elsewhere > Various Artists - A Grain Of Sand (Groove Salad: a nicely chilled plate of ambient beats and grooves. [SomaFM])

Rss Validator Sam Ruby asks if the WSDL wizard can handle the SOAP interface to the RSS validator. The short answer is no. The problem is this

<xsd:complexType name="Request">
    <xsd:any namespace="##other"/>

There's no built in support for xsd:any at this point, largely because there is no single COM based DOM implementation available for all the platforms PocketSOAP supports. Does that mean you can't use PocketSOAP with the RSS validator, no, it just means its slightly more work. I'll put together a sample for it.
< 8:01:08 PM  # more elsewhere >

MSNAmp Seems to be a day for shipping code, I updated MSNAmp so that you can configure how it builds your display name. Look at the MSNAmp preference panel in Winamp for details.
< 6:15:48 PM  # more elsewhere > Amon Tobin - Chronic Tronic (from Out From Out Where)

WSDL Finally wrapped up RC1 of the WSDL Wizard. It supports doc/lit and rpc/encoded, SOAP headers, enumerations, complex types and import [most of the stuff that auto-gen'd WSDL uses, but not everything in XSD]
< 5:01:14 PM  # more elsewhere > Kiril Dzajkovski - Swimmer (Secret Agent 128k: The soundtrack for your stylish, mysterious, dangerous life. For Spys and P.I.'s too! [SomaFM])

TcpTrace As Tomas asked nicely, I just posted v0.7.3 of TcpTrace. Keep those suggestions rolling in!.
< 3:24:12 PM  # more elsewhere > Propellerheads - Spybreak! (Secret Agent 128k: The soundtrack for your stylish, mysterious, dangerous life. For Spys and P.I.'s too! [SomaFM])

TcpTrace Just posted v0.7.2 which adds the option to fix up linefeeds from non-windows platforms so that they display properly. Thanks to Eric Promislow for the suggestion.
< 11:27:52 AM  # more elsewhere > Batidos - Olajope (Secret Agent 128k: The soundtrack for your stylish, mysterious, dangerous life. For Spys and P.I.'s too! [SomaFM])

Friday, December 27, 2002

PocketSOAP I posted a message looking for feature requests. Let me know what you're looking for.
< 7:58:56 PM  # more elsewhere > The Crystal Method - Ten Miles Back (from Tweekend)

Thursday, December 26, 2002

Carbon Pop Quiz If I use LaunchApplication to start a new process, how do I wait til its exited ?
< 3:44:28 PM  # more elsewhere >

EspressoBlog anyone have this working with Radio ?, everytime I try and post it just says I need to select a blog, but I did already !
< 2:30:09 PM  # more elsewhere >

Tuesday, December 24, 2002

Happy Holidays Happy whatever you celibrate at this time of year, see you on the other side!.
< 5:38:03 PM  # more elsewhere > The KLF - The Rites Of Mu (Ambient Edit) (from Unreleased)

more CW Last one I promise !!, the amazing useful error message below was because (as far as i can tell) i was trying to link to a carbon based static library from a mach-o project. What are the "must read" dev books for Mac's ?, on Windows there's Programming Windows, Essential COM (for legacy programmer everywhere), and Essential .NET. I've read Learning Carbon but didn't find it a great help.
< 5:37:08 PM  # more elsewhere > The KLF - The Rites Of Mu (Ambient Edit) (from Unreleased)

CW [again] more CW joy, got the last problem fixed, now I'm faced this this "useful" error
Error   : 'tilsD
. Perhaps Santa will bring me a decent OS X dev environment !
< 2:01:50 PM  # more elsewhere >

CW Ahhh, the joys of Code Warrior, this code compiles fine in one project, but fails to compile in a second project
		for ( str::const_iterator i = text.begin() ; i != text.end(); i++ )
with a Error : ';' expected.
< 11:48:22 AM  # more elsewhere >

A Jabber Binding for SOAP I've been doing a bit of research trying to come up with a reasonable Jabber binding for SOAP.... [snellspace] The whole issue with <iq> being request/response was gone around at the time, i was never happy with the outcome. James, do you have a pointer to the issue with <message> ? I seem to recall that most people were suggesting using a namespace qualified child of <message> for moving SOAP messages around. If i understand your proposal correctly, this is a new top level element [at the same level as <iq>], which would require getting support for it baked into jabberD ? Is the type attribute needed ? seems redundent to me.
< 10:09:27 AM  # more elsewhere >

wot no wires I just moved my server to a wireless connection, so i can put it in the closet out of the way. But i'm having problems now with other machines not being able to pick up DHCP leases. Anyone heard of problems running a DHCP server behind a Linksys WAP11 access point ?
< 9:39:51 AM  # more elsewhere >

Sunday, December 22, 2002

soma fm Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, its good to have Groove Salad back !
< 9:43:00 PM  # more elsewhere > Dj Food - The Crow... (Groove Salad: a nicely chilled plate of ambient beats and grooves. [SomaFM])

PocketXMLRPC There's a problem with the SSL support in the Win32 version of PocketXMLRPC. There should be a fixed version available by the end of today. Update : Fixed version posted.
< 3:12:41 PM  # more elsewhere > U.N.K.L.E. - Berry Meditation [#] (from Brazilification Disc 1)

Exchange 2000 Exchange Server 2000 rocks [DotNetCentric]. Exchange? groan. Don't get me wrong, I like the idea of exchange and what it... [Commonality] Hey, someone who "likes" Exchange as much as I do!.
< 3:11:03 PM  # more elsewhere > The Orb - Toxygene (from Brazilification Disc 1)

Saturday, December 21, 2002

PocketSOAP v1.4.0 now available!, includes support for HTTP compression, and HTTP timeouts on PocketPC as well as a few bug fixes.
< 11:49:18 AM  # more elsewhere > Tango - Spellbound (from The Secret Art of Science)

Groovy Radio John Burkhardt is talking about Tim Knips Groove/Radio integration woes. Its true the SOAP Stack in Radio doesn't support SOAP Headers [it also doesn't support doc/literal SOAP messages, which Groove uses]. Its also true that the Radio SOAP stack supports the BDG, but the BDG is like a SOAP 1.1 profile (just like what the WS-I want to do), its compliant with the SOAP spec, but doesn't necessarily support all the features of SOAP [the bare minimum you need to do for headers to be compliant with the SOAP spec is to fault if you see a mustUnderstand that's all]. It represents what SOAP tools were aiming for back when it was written some 18 months ago, but since then SOAP has moved on, and many tools have moved on too, doc/literal style SOAP is much more prevailant, and there is an ever growing number of WS-* spec that [rightly so] use SOAP Headers. FWIW, I think Groove made the right choice.
< 8:12:57 AM  # more elsewhere > Various Artists - Leaving you (from Future Chill [UK] Disc 2)

Friday, December 20, 2002

tcpTrace I released a minor update to tcpTrace that gives you the option to treat NULLs as spaces in the display, so you can see past any NULL that might be in the data stream.
< 11:34:21 PM  # more elsewhere > Grooverider - Rebirth - Mampi Swift (from Fabriclive 06 [Tin] [UK])

PocketSOAP I've been working on the 1.4 release, its almost ready to go. If you've been testing the beta and found a bug you haven't told me about, now would be a real good time to mention it!.
< 11:22:51 PM  # more elsewhere > Grooverider - Got Me Burning - Peshay (from Fabriclive 06 [Tin] [UK])

Steve Waring Cool, I just stumbled across Steve Waring's blog, Steve wrote a very cool Smalltalk SOAP toolkit called Spray.
< 11:19:52 PM  # more elsewhere > Grooverider - Got Me Burning - Peshay (from Fabriclive 06 [Tin] [UK])

Thursday, December 19, 2002

Mobile Printing Hey cool, HP's Mobile printing for PocketPC uses PocketSOAP :)
< 6:52:22 PM  # more elsewhere > Global Communication - Funk in the fridge (from Coldcut & DJ Food Fight)

Wednesday, December 18, 2002

introduction to the creative commons At the creative commons launch party this week, 'they' unveiled this animation, which does an excellent job of describing the problems with copyright law, and how creative commons augments copyright law to make dervative works easier to clear. A must-view, everyone! []
< 10:15:10 PM  # more elsewhere > ~07. Liquid Calling.mp3 - 07. Liquid Calling (Groove Salad: a nicely chilled plate of ambient beats and grooves. [SomaFM]) From XML-RPC to SOAP: A Migration Guide more musing from Rich Salz
< 9:23:13 PM  # more elsewhere > Visit Venus - Stellarphobia (Groove Salad: a nicely chilled plate of ambient beats and grooves. [SomaFM])

todo (i) write up some comments i have on Justin's post about caching (ii) wrap up the 1.4 release of PocketSOAP, (iii) wrap up the release of the 2.0 WSDL tools, (iv) read the new WS-* specs, (v) do some work on YATT. (vi) ditch this killer headache I have. (vii) read Don's .NET book. Ouch, way to much to do.
< 7:12:52 PM  # more elsewhere > Gus Gus - Polyesterday (Groove Salad: a nicely chilled plate of ambient beats and grooves. [SomaFM])

Sam Lots of interesting threads been going on over on Sam's blog.
< 6:30:49 PM  # more elsewhere > Senor Coconut - Tour De France (from El Baile Aleman)

Monday, December 16, 2002

Taken So i have a Tivo full of Taken episodes, the trailers looked promising, but i just can't get into it
< 7:56:52 PM  # more elsewhere > Beastie Boys - The New Style (from Licensed To Ill)

Thursday, December 12, 2002

WSE Tips Keith is running tip of the day for WSE.
< 9:05:07 PM  # more elsewhere > Various Artists - Pray (Instrumental) (from Exposure IV Mixed By Christopher Lawrence)

borg I wonder if Peter will ever find his way back to blog land .....
< 9:03:21 PM  # more elsewhere > Various Artists - Weekender (Chill Mix) (from Exposure IV Mixed By Christopher Lawrence)

Tuesday, December 10, 2002

GWS & Radio ... Integration of Radio with Groove, using Groove Web Services, would further decentralize Radio in a way that would allow real-time blogging from machines not running Radio.  I want it. [Matt Pope's Radio Weblog] It'd be cool to wire the 2 together, but as GWS does doc/literal SOAP with headers, you're not going to be able to do this from Radio. I hope [but don't know] that Radio's SOAP support is going to get updated (perhaps when SOAP 1.2 goes to rec.) to include headers and doc/literal.
< 7:37:22 PM  # more elsewhere > Various Artists - Bent Revolution (from Exposure IV Mixed By Christopher Lawrence)

ouch Macintosh Developer Pain. I'm in maze of twisty little library interfaces, all different. I'm dealing with three C libraries (MPW StdCLib, CarbonStdCLib.o and MSL), two MacOS platforms (PPC and Carbon), two build systems (MPW and CodeWarrior) and a growing sense of desperation. Of course, no piece of this cruft wants to talk to any other piece. [Random Hacks] been there, done that, still have the hole in my head to show for it! BTW, if anyone has any tips for getting a Mach-O / BSD sockets / Powerplant  combo to compile on CW8.2, I'd love to hear it.
< 7:31:12 PM  # more elsewhere > Various Artists - Bent Revolution (from Exposure IV Mixed By Christopher Lawrence)

Monday, December 09, 2002

Scripting Groove Web Services Jon Udell has been working on some code that talks to the Groove Web Services. I got the Groove beta installed and up and running with very little fuss, and have been working on some PocketSOAP based samples. No real issues so far (other than the current PocketSOAP WSDL tools don't generate SOAP header code yet), I hope to post something soon.
< 11:27:49 PM  # more elsewhere > ~05. Lumukanda.mp3 - 05. Lumukanda (Groove Salad: a nicely chilled plate of ambient beats and grooves. [SomaFM])

.NET Passport Manager Source Licensing Program This seems to have slipped out under cover of all the WSE noise. Anyone looked at it ?
< 11:16:26 PM  # more elsewhere > Various Artists - Pepe Bradock / Deep Burnt (Groove Salad: a nicely chilled plate of ambient beats and grooves. [SomaFM])

Friday, December 06, 2002

holiday season 'tis the season of shoplifting, hope you like your present 'cause you can't take it back. [Kelley]
< 6:59:06 PM  # more elsewhere > Visit Venus - Zoom (Groove Salad: a nicely chilled plate of ambient beats and grooves. [SomaFM])

it ships! The Mac ports (both OS9 & OSX) of the Mindstation software shipped last night, wooo hooo !!.
< 6:52:49 PM  # more elsewhere > Moss - Snaps And Shakey (Groove Salad: a nicely chilled plate of ambient beats and grooves. [SomaFM])

bundle this! A judge likens MS's removal of Java to clubbing a competitor in the knees. I've never understood why Sun has a right to bundle its language with Windows. Sheez, I'd love to bundle Radio with Windows. How about it? Why aren't they clubbing me in the knees? What makes Java so special? I think Radio is much better. [Scripting News] I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't get this.
< 6:51:24 PM  # more elsewhere > Visit Venus - Zoom (Groove Salad: a nicely chilled plate of ambient beats and grooves. [SomaFM])

Wednesday, December 04, 2002

IIS Still having Python trouble. Narrowed the problem down to httplib parsing responses from IIS. For some screwy reason, IIS returns two HTTP status messages:... [Bryce's Weblog Experiments] I've seen this as well, but only ever with SOAP::Lite, I certainly haven't seen in doing ASP[.NET] or ISAPI based work. I don't know if its a SOAP::Lite issue, or a CGI on IIS issue.
< 8:40:14 PM  # more elsewhere > Visit Venus - Zoom (Groove Salad: a nicely chilled plate of ambient beats and grooves. [SomaFM])

Tuesday, December 03, 2002

Ubehebe Crater Ubehebe Crater
< 10:15:16 PM  # more elsewhere > Freeworm - Steeps / Freeworm (Groove Salad: a nicely chilled plate of ambient beats and grooves. [SomaFM])

Monday, December 02, 2002

Road trip 1416 miles, 5 days, and countless radio stations and suspect coffee's later, the Death Valley road trip comes to an end. The place is spectacularly beautiful, I was amazed by the variety of vivid colors, I was expecting everything to be a drab sand color. The highlight has to be Devils Golf Course. Of course I now have an insane email backlog to work through, if you send me email, i'll get to eventually!.
< 6:05:46 PM  # more elsewhere > Pink Floyd - Orb Remix 1 - Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Fluffy Cloud Version)