HRESULT DeserializerForChild([in] BSTR ParentType, [in] BSTR ParentTypeNS, [in] BSTR elementName, [in] BSTR elementNamespace, [in] VARIANT_BOOL IsArray, [in, out] BSTR * XmlType, [in, out] BSTR * XmlTypeNS, [out, retval] ISoapDeSerializer ** s);
Find a suitable de-serializer for a given element, that is contained within a given type. Pass empty strings for ParentType and ParentTypeNS to indicate that there is no parentType [this is then equivalent to calling DeserializerForElement]. Local type mappings are checked first, if no suitable mapping is found there, then the global type mappings [as set via calls to ElementMapping] are checked.
returns S_OK if a suitable de-serializer was found, or E_NO_DESERIALIZER
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