IHTTPTransport::SOAPAction Property

[propget] HRESULT SOAPAction([out, retval] BSTR * soapAction);
[propput] HRESULT SOAPAction([in] BSTR soapAction);

This controls the value of the SOAPAction HTTP header, SOAP 1.1 requires that a SOAPAction header is always sent, in the event that there's no call to SOAPAction before Send is called, an empty SOAPAction header is sent. If you call SOAPAction and set it to "", then a SOAPAction: "" header is sent [these two have specific meanings, as defined in the SOAP spec]


Return Values


Sample Code

dim t
set t = CreateObject("pocketSOAP.HTTPTransport.2")
t.send "http://example.org/", e.serialize
' this sends this HTTP header

t.SOAPAction = ""
t.send "http://example.org/", e.serialize
' this sends this HTTP header
SOAPAction: ""

t.SOAPAction = "http://example.org/add"
t.send "http://example.org/", e.serialize
' this sends this HTTP header
SOAPAction: "http://example.org/add"


See Also

The IHTTPTransport Interface | 




Copyright © Simon Fell, 2000-2004. All rights reserved.